El municipio de Comondú se localiza en la
parte central del estado, limita al norte con los municipios de Mulegé y
Loreto, al este con el Golfo de California y al oeste con el Océano Pacífico. San José y San Miguel de Comondú (los Comondús) se localizan 135 kilómetros
al norte de Ciudad Constitución por la carretera a Ciudad Insurgentes-La
Purísima, en una cañada fértil de 16 kilómetros de longitud y alrededor de 800
metros de ancho, en el corazón de la Sierra de la Giganta, entre altos palmares
y acantilados.
The county of Comondu is located in the central part of the state, bounded on the north by the municipalities of Mulege and Loreto, on the east by the Gulf of California and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. San Jose and San Miguel de Comondu (the Comondus) are located 70 miles north of Ciudad Constitucion on the road to Ciudad Insurgentes-La Purisima and on a fertile stretch of land 10 miles long and about a half-mile wide in the heart of the Sierra de la Giganta, between tall palms and cliffs.
Estos poblados nacen hace más de 300 años, habitados por los cochimíes, laymones, del
tronco yumano peninsular, se dedicaban a la caza y a la recolección de semillas
y frutos. Antes de ellos hubo otros grupos, sus grabados y pinturas rupestres
los rodean de misterio.
The two villages were settled more than 300 years ago by Cochimies and Laymones from the Peninsular Yuman line of aboriginal inhabitants. They engaged in hunting and gathering of seeds and fruits. There were other groups before them and they remain surrounded by the mystery of rock engravings and cave paintings.

In 1708, the Jesuit priests Juan Maria de Salvatierra, Juan de Ugarte and Julian Mayorga established the Mission of San Jose de Comondu. Construction was begun in 1750 by the Austrian Father Frank Inama and completed in 1762. Father Frank remained in the mission until the expulsion of the Jesuits. Afterwards, the Franciscans staffed the mission from 1768 to 1773. The Dominicans took charge in 1773 until the mission was abandoned in 1827. A large part of the church was demolished in 1930.
Actualmente se puede apreciar una de las naves auténticas, la cual permanece abierta al culto. Los grandes bloques de muros en ruinas a su alrededor dan una idea de la magnitud del edificio original. Asimismo, se conservan tres campanas con las fechas de 1697, 1708 y 1741, y varias casas antiguas consideradas monumentos históricos. Una interesante historia rodea a estos poblados. En 1822 fueron refugió del gobernador y capitán de artillería José Darío Argüello cuando las costas fueron atacadas por el buque Independencia tripulado por corsarios chilenos. En la guerra de 1847 contra EU los habitantes se sumaron a las fuerzas opositoras creando las Guerrillas Guadalupanas de Comondú, defensoras de la Independencia Nacional.
Today, you can appreciate the portion of the remaining original construction. Large sections of eroded walls provide an idea of the magnitude of the original building. Three bells also remain with dates of 1697, 1708 and 1741, and several old houses considered historical monuments. Interesting stories surround these villages. In 1822, the governor and artillery captain Jose Dario Argüello were staying in the area when the coastline was attacked by the ship Independencia, manned by Chilean pirates. In the war of 1847 against U.S., the residents joined with opposition forces and created the Guerrillas Guadalupanas of Comondu, defenders of national independence.
En diferente época fueron estos pueblos cabecera municipal. Ya en 1891
había 15 trapiches cañeros, producción de higos, pasas, dátiles, vino casero y
gran cantidad de ganado, se cosechaban además ciruelas, mangos, uvas,
aguacates, pomelos, limas, naranjas, limones reales y otras frutas y
hortalizas. Se pueden adquirir artesanales
creaciones a base elementos naturales como: sombreros de palma, canastas,
bolsas y figuras de piedra y madera.
At different times, both villages were municipal towns. In 1891, there were already 15 sugar cane mills, the production of figs, raisins, dates, wine and great numbers of livestock. Plums, mangoes, grapes, avocados, grapefruit, limes, oranges, lemons and other fruits and vegetables were also harvested. People could purchase handmade creations made of natural materials, such as straw hats, baskets, bags and figures of stone and wood.
Las fiestas tradicionales se celebran con una popular cabalgata, actividades artísticas y culturales, muestra de productos regionales gastronómicos y artesanales, la coronación de la reina y el baile popular. En San Miguel se celebra la fiesta patronal el 29 de septiembre, los habitantes de ambos pueblos se hermanan y participan con el mismo gusto y orgullo.
Traditional festivals were celebrated with a popular parade, and arts and cultural activities that provide a sample of the regional culinary and craft products as well as the crowning of the queen and folk dancing. San Miguel celebrated its feast day on September 29. The residents of both towns were joined together and participated with equal enthusiasm and pride.
En la zona se observa gran variedad de flora y fauna silvestre. La Laguna de Don Julio es un sitio de anidación de aves (algunas endémicas), hacia la montaña habitan venados, pumas y gatos monteses, entre otros. La comida regional es reconocida por su machaca, tortillas de harina, dulce de calabaza y el sipais, guiso tradicional decembrino a base de carne y verduras frescas de la huerta.
A great variety of flora and fauna can be observed in the area. The Lagoon of Don Julio is a nesting site for birds, some of which are endemic. The mountains are inhabited with deer, cougars, bobcats, and other wildlife. The regional cuisine is famous for machacas made with flour tortillas, sweet pumpkin and sipais, traditional December stew meat and vegetables from the garden.
At different times, both villages were municipal towns. In 1891, there were already 15 sugar cane mills, the production of figs, raisins, dates, wine and great numbers of livestock. Plums, mangoes, grapes, avocados, grapefruit, limes, oranges, lemons and other fruits and vegetables were also harvested. People could purchase handmade creations made of natural materials, such as straw hats, baskets, bags and figures of stone and wood.
Las fiestas tradicionales se celebran con una popular cabalgata, actividades artísticas y culturales, muestra de productos regionales gastronómicos y artesanales, la coronación de la reina y el baile popular. En San Miguel se celebra la fiesta patronal el 29 de septiembre, los habitantes de ambos pueblos se hermanan y participan con el mismo gusto y orgullo.
Traditional festivals were celebrated with a popular parade, and arts and cultural activities that provide a sample of the regional culinary and craft products as well as the crowning of the queen and folk dancing. San Miguel celebrated its feast day on September 29. The residents of both towns were joined together and participated with equal enthusiasm and pride.
En la zona se observa gran variedad de flora y fauna silvestre. La Laguna de Don Julio es un sitio de anidación de aves (algunas endémicas), hacia la montaña habitan venados, pumas y gatos monteses, entre otros. La comida regional es reconocida por su machaca, tortillas de harina, dulce de calabaza y el sipais, guiso tradicional decembrino a base de carne y verduras frescas de la huerta.
A great variety of flora and fauna can be observed in the area. The Lagoon of Don Julio is a nesting site for birds, some of which are endemic. The mountains are inhabited with deer, cougars, bobcats, and other wildlife. The regional cuisine is famous for machacas made with flour tortillas, sweet pumpkin and sipais, traditional December stew meat and vegetables from the garden.
Los Comondús, espectacular oasis con pinturas rupestres, petroglifos, escenarios perfectos para practicar ecoturismo, deporte de aventura, turismo rural y cultural, así como la oportunidad de vivir las tradiciones de los rancheros.
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